Setting Intention for yourself


We’re 20 days into 2022 and it has been a RIDE! WHEW!

Transparent moment, it’s easy to get caught up with running the business that you forget to stop & take care of the business & yourself. It gets really easy to get drowned in client work & become a drone & then neglect the things that you need to do to ensure that the business keeps moving. (I know it happens to me all the time)

Take this time, as we enter a season of love to love on yourself & to love on your business. Set aside 2-3 days either this week or next week to really center yourself & identify:

  1. What makes you happy
  2. What is it that you love to do
  3. What does it cost you to do what you love to do
  4. Who’s on the receiving end of your sacrifice (less time with family less time to work, more time with family, more time with self)
  5. What does success look like for you & how can you get there.


Then flow into those things that make you happy so that the other items that “need to get done” won’t feel so overwhelming. It’s about self care, it’s about thriving, it’s about being successful – and what YOUR success looks like isn’t the same as someone else & that’s PERFECTLY okay. Stay true to who YOU are.

The Book Shelf:

Here are some books that are really good at helping you with working on your mindset.

(Yes, I’m an amazon affiliate & I might get a small kickback if you purchase these items through these links. Just know, I wouldn’t suggest anything that I haven’t read myself.)

BTM Studios

BTM Studios LLC is a DMV-based production company dedicated to producing a wide-range of client driven video productions, that reflect the diversity of small businesses. The company was founded in...

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The Journey to Well

The Journey 2 Well is a Maryland based organization that provides individuals and couples therapy to clients ages 16+, adults, and couples therapy navigating trauma, life transitions. We also specialize...

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Community Family of Faith Church

Community Family of Faith Church is a faith-based organization that believes in ministering to the holistic man. Whether saint or sinner. We love and embrace humanity of all genders, race,...

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