Setting Up Your Value

Alright, So… I wanted to share with you all how my husband & I were slapped in the face with value that we weren’t prepared for. 

I recently won a contest where my family was going to have a portrait taken (a really nice portrait) and then printed on canvas with the finish of our choice. I had spent the WHOLE NIGHT before doing hair (all 3 of my kids have long hair) laying out outfits, finding shoes, and making sure everyone was ready to go in the morning. I even took my shower the night before so we wouldn’t be rushing, & STILL was rushing after waking up at 6:30 am! 

We got to the studio (2 minutes late), we survived our photo session (Gabe was on his own agenda) and then we waited for them to work their magic… They took my husband & I into a room & showed us our photos & WE LOVED THEM! Each one was GREAT! We looked well put together, we looked happy, we looked clean!  

Now… with a point of reference, all throughout the gallery… all the pictures we saw were HUGE, like 40″ & above & through the session onboarding, we never got any information about the size of our photo…  

So they’re showing us the photos & we picked the one we like, & then The art director (sales person) slapped us in the face with the size & price.. she goes “First I’m going to show you the different sizes & then I’m going to show you your gift size”… they took us from 72″ portraits to 50″, to 40″ (the one we liked) all the way down to our gift size 11×14″

 Now, I’m not salty, because it was a great experience & we still won the contest, but we had the impression that we could choose the size we wanted & the size we won was an 11×14…  

The value of our 11×14 photo? 2 GRAND.

The Value of the 40″ Photo we wanted? 12 GRAND.

Honestly that was my lightbulb moment & I had to share it with you.

This studio regularly sells $1000-$30,000 PHOTOGRAPHS. E.V.E.R.Y. week 

So if they can show the value in their product & have consistent sales for 10+ years, YOU CAN TOO! 

We ended up getting just the gift that we won, because Christmas is right around the corner & in good faith, we can’t invest $12K in a portrait right now, BUT I absolutely HAD to share this with you.

That’s it… That’s the post… I just wanted to share that experience with you all & prove that it’s TOTALLY POSSIBLE to build a sustainable business with your creative & service based profession.

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