Get Ready, cause the “2020” puns are coming… I just got the first one in 😁
I would & could say that this year (2020) I promise to post more often, but that would be lying & i’ve built my business out of trust. I’ve never been one to post my blog articles on a consistent basis, Hell, I can’t even keep my email newsletter on track (it’s a content creation thing that i’m just not great at)& It’s only twice a month! The truth is, I’m extremely camera shy (to which i’m going to have to get over) & i feel like i don’t have a lot to say that would be relevant… when I have to come up with it on my own..
BUT…. I’ve learned a few things in 2019…
Being Present Matters
I may not be on camera on in the most popular blogs every week (yet) but you DO see me on your newsfeed & in the facebook groups with valuable information. My website is for showcasing my services & offering SOME valuable information… the rest, you have to pay me for; but because of my presence- you know that I’m here.
Charge your worth
Maaaaaaaannnnnn… 2019 Was my learning curve. Ask any of my clients, they’ll tell you that I’ve confessed to learning the hard way, when my feast & famine seasons are & that I’ve learned to put in place system to avoid the famine from here on out. This year was my first year FULL TIME freelancing & I’ve had the opportunity to work on some DOPE projects but i had to learn that in order to LIVE, FEED my children, and Keep my business running, I CANNOT do too many favors. so yes, there are some significant price changes coming in 2020 but as usual, most things are negotiable.
Change is hard
Yes, in theory, Change is logical but the emotional work that goes into the execution of the change is HARD WORK. Changing your services & sticking with it is hard. Changing your PRICES & sticking with it is HARD. Turning off the computer on the weekends when the only way you could run your business for the past 7 years as a weekend warrior is HARD. But once you make the change & commit to it, there’s no going back to the way it used to be.
Budgeting Looks totally different when your business pays your bills.
YO. Your money looks WAAAAAAYYY different when you’re not sure where the next project is coming from. Like, the car note, car insurance, electricity bill, & rental office DO. NOT. CARE. if your client didn’t pay you on time.
I won’t say “save up 6 months of expenses” because even though that would be an ideal situation, a lot of us don’t have ANY extra to put to the side to begin with. We’re in business to save our families & our sanity. BUT once you know better, you have to make moves to live better. Start by saving SOMETHING- start with small amounts & stack from there.
Pick a Service & Adjust it til it’s Right
I’m a graphic Designer & if i can put it together in Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign, I’m good. But my field is so broad that sometimes i can still offer too much & be too convenient. In 2019, I’ve learned that I have to let go of some services, Wedding Stationery, & focus on my branding, consulting, and Web design services – I’m going to figure out these Social media ads & It’s on & poppin!. I’ve learned that I work best when i’m working on a package for someone, rather than one or two items here & there. I’m best advising businesses on how to grow & correctly articulate their brand message visually, consistently & verbally.
Yep, 2019 was FULL of growing pains but also full of a lot og gems & i’m sooooo ready to rock out 2020 & to “see it” for what it is… Year two & beyond of continuing to be a BAWSE!